Here at Tri-State Irrigation, we understand what your needs are. As a grower, you understand the importance of a good working relationship, and that's where we excel- in building great relationships with you our partner.
We have a team of Valley factory-trained technicians who are constantly learning about new technology and machine options from Valley. If you wan the best, you can find it here at Tri-State.
Trust in us to provide you with the new machine, parts and service you need to have a profitable year.
- Installation of center pivot irrigation equipment to save your from back-breaking labor
- Remote monitoring and technology products, such as AgSense, Valley ICON Link, and moisture probes to bring you peace of mind and give you back valuable time to spend with family and friends
- Sprinkler packages to enhance the efficiency of your machine
- Drive unit, tower box and oil hydraulic conversions to boost productivity and life of your machine
- Control panel upgrade to ensure you have the features you need to have a successful, profitable year
- Preventative maintenance inspections to protect you from unnecessary shutdowns during the times your crops need water most
- Variable Rate Irrigation to help you improve your water application efficiency
- Outstanding service to reduce your downtime and increase your profitability before, during and after the growing season
- A professional staff who are always willing to lend a helping hand
To submit a service call, contact 785-332-2597 or click the link below to submit a service call electronicaly.
Service Ticket Form